
Here is the timeline for the Enchanted Fairy Tale Hunt:

Applications will be taken until April 10th.

What you need to do now :
  1. Rez your hunt sign.
  2. Make sure you are in the Rag Dollz Hunts Merchant group. You can have an alt or manager in the group if you are out of spaces.
April 10th:
 Last day to submit applications.
Before April 24th:
  1. Rez hint giver and set up your hint please (Edit the script in the hint giver content and write your hint in ) 
  2. Send your hint and picture if you want it to be in the blog with the hint notecard and SURL of your hunt gift location. You can use the notecard in the merchant kit and drop it in the mailbox under the Hunt Sign in the hunt office. Office
Before April 27th:
  1. Set up your boxed gift in the hunt object (for sell, content, put it for sale 1L$)
  2. Set up the hunt tracks if your shop is not at the landing point or if your gift is far from the hunt poster (more than 30 m).
April 28th:  
Preliminary Walk Through 

April 29th:
  1.  Fix any issues that were found in the preliminary walk through.
April 30th:
Hunt begins at Midnight on May 1st, so make sure everything is set and ready to go!

May 1 - 31:
Have fun with the hunt!

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